
Welcome to my Homepage!

“Start by doing what’s necessary,
then what’s possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
- Saint Francis

Thank you for visiting my Homepage! I want a chance to get to know you better and learn if you're a match for my financial goals.

Are you a business owner already?
Are you looking to start a business?
Do you still work a 9 to 5 job?
Are you looking for a side income to make ends meet?

I am a 50 year old father of two boys and I have worked the 9 to 5 scene since before I was 18 years old.

At 23 years old I started in electronics as a component level technician.

On my 33rd birthday I swam in The Aegean Sea and entered a college seminary for The Catholic Church that September.

In 2005, I came out of the seminary to a different world and ended up in Customer Service for the Federal Government in 2010.

In 2018 I started a sales boutique and an advertising agency, David Adorno Sales and Cocina Moda Ads.

I am a product of that old education system given to us by our parents. Go to school, get a degree, get a job, work for 20 years and collect a gold watch at retirement. A right choice back then but now the landscape has changed. So those of us dreaming of a golden retirement now find themselves without a vehicle to get there.

What has grown from that day is the ability to create your own vehicle!

With social media you can have a message and create an audience that wants to hear it. The message is your product or service and the audience is where your customers are.

Already in business
We will manage your social media presence and generate leads for your business. Using good copywriting, landing pages, email automations, and just plain friendliness we will generate leads, qualify your leads and send them to you to close.

We can get into your sales process and start the process for you.

Starting a Business?
With all the gurus and programs out there you need $1000 or more to get the knowledge to start an on-line business. If you hire an agency you could be looking at an investments of thousands of dollars. And that is every month!

What if there was an on the job method?

What if you could learn about social media sales and marketing and have an outsourced agency feel.

What if when you were ready to invest in yourself you had the income to pay for it from your business?

Are you still in your 9 to 5 groove?

Well all the more important that you don't do it alone. The mindset of a wage earner is different than self employed. There is no manager to make sure you stay on track.


We will help you with the mindset of an business owner. We will help you make extra money to make your bills. We will help you to have a smooth and successful transition to self employment.

Let's face it you have bills to pay too. You can't afford to loose your day job. But you still have plenty of juice in the tank after work....

Well, you'll be on your way and we'll back you all the way.

Need a website? We will build one.
Need an ad for Facebook or Google? We will write it for you.
Need a sales funnel? Well we write those too!

The next step?


Let's talk! By providing your information you will be redirected to my calendar. There you can make an appointment for a Zoom conference.

For you're time in the conference you will get a free landing page to collect prospect data or an ad to run on Facebook.
About me and where I have been.
David Adorno Sales is my sales boutique. If you are looking for a sales force for your business we provide a commission only sales environment.
Cocina Moda Ads my lead generation advertising agency. We provide the latest in lead generation, Social media management, and all around social media marketing.